Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cooking Casualty & Upper Body Day

Pancho here, badly burned but unfazed! Sunday night the Marmot and I were doing our weekly Mega Food Prep, cooking a big pot of stew, boiling eggs, baking chicken breasts and roasting a nice acorn squash. I was, admittedly, a little frazzled when I opened the oven 3/4 to check on the squash; I pulled the rack out which pushed the oven door down all the way, the top of the super-hot oven door landing flat against my shin. Damn.

The Marmot thinks it looks like a flying eagle. I think it looks like, well, the top of the oven door. It's healing pretty well, but yesterday during our pull-ups the burned part of my shin kept hitting the front of the dip-bar and hurt so bad I cut my pull ups a bit short. Oh well; all's fair in love and lifting.

We lifted yesterday at the Great Equipment But Bad Air gym and oh my goodness I'd forgotten how great it is to be in a place where everyone takes lifting seriously. One large gentleman was dead-lifting 405lbs (that's four 45lb plates on each side)! It was inspiring, and we had a great lift.

Upper body day: Monday, May 16

Warm ups:
20 shoulder swings; 20 scapular push ups; 20 wall arm-raises

Pull ups:
Marmot: 15
Pancho: 5 (this felt really easy)
Marmot:  10
Pancho: 3 (hit me burn!)
Marmot: 7
Pancho: 3

Dumb bell bench press:
Marmot: 50lbs x 15
Pancho: 30lbs x 15
Marmot: 60lbs x 15
Pancho: 30lbs x 15 (35lbs in use, or would have gone up)
Marmot: 65lbs x 10
Pancho: 30lbs x 15

Seated Row/Plank
Marmot: 90lbs x 15 / 30 sec plank
Pancho: 50lbs x 15 / 30 sec plank
Marmot: 100lbs x 10 / 30 sec plank
Pancho: 60lbs x 10 / 30 sec plank
Marmot: 100lbs x 10 / 30 sec plank
Pancho: 60lbs x 10 / 30 sec plank

Standing Press
Marmot: 45lbs x 9
Pancho: 45lbs x 6
Marmot: 45lbs x 10
Pancho: 45lbs x 5 (held for 10 sec on last rep)
Marmot: 45lbs x 10
Pancho: 45lbs x 4 (held for 10 sec on last rep)
Marmot: 65lbs x 10
Pancho: 45lbs x 5

Push up (Goal: 50 total) / Bicycle crunch / Crunch
Marmot: 30 push up / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch
Pancho: 15 push up / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch
Marmot: 15 push up / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch
Pancho: 20 push up (full depth, knee) / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch
Marmot: 9 push up / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch
Pancho: 15 push up (full depth, knee) / 50 bicycle crunch / 50 crunch


  1. OH MY GOD PANCHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that blistered? It looks like a terrible, terrible burn!

  2. Yep, it's a pretty bad burn. It's almost too burned to blister, just singed and red and textured. It's getting better, it just looks kind of nasty.
